Friday, November 12, 2010

Tanka Poem, "World Cup"

I wrote this Tanka poem remembering the World Cup which took place this past summer. The explication is below.

Once in a lifetime
A feeling of humble pride,
your country cheering
representing a nation,
the world united watching.

First, I should explain what a Tanka poem is: it's a Japanese poetry type of five lines, with the first and third composed of five syllables, while the other lines are composed of seven syllables. Tanka is the oldest type of poetry in Japan, and in my opinion, is able to express a huge amount of emotion.

My tanka, "World Cup" is inspired from the soccer match at the World Cup between Brazil and North Korea. As the North Korean national anthem was being played, Jong Tae-Se had tears streaming down his face as he sang the national anthem. His look of pride and humility towards the thousands of supporters which were watching him was awesome (literally awe-inspiring). I could tell that for him, representing his country in the World Cup was one of the greatest moments in his life. The once in a lifetime chance to be loved by your entire nation, as the entire world is waiting for you to weave your magic on the field. They're huge expectations, but no matter what, the feeling of pride and humility, representing an entire country must be magnificent.

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