Who had a friend called Jessy
they were idolized,
but disorganized,
so the situation was quite messy!
I wrote this five-line limerick, trying to get a good rhythm and flow to the poem. To try and give it flow, I made sure that the third and fourth lines which rhyme, also have the same amount of syllables. While the story is partially fictional, I used slight wordplay with the word "messy", and the soccer player's name, "Messi".
This limerick has a deeper meaning regarding one of the many things which are wrong about soccer, and that's the way players behave. Soccer players are idolized by millions around the world, but they don't always act as proper role models. Too often are there stories of players not wanting to renew contracts, just so that they can get an extra million Euros when they join another team. And there's also plenty of players who commit moral injustices, like getting in fights at nightclubs, but not being punished because of their celebrity status.
This idea that soccer players are untouchable is wrong, because while they are talented, hardworking people, they shouldn't be given a free pass to do what they want.
hey niccolo, i really liked your limerick, it was simple yet effective, exactly what you were trying to achieve. i think messi was a good player to choose for this poem because his play style is just like a limerick, short, funny and effective! great job bud